Friday, March 2, 2012

How should i start a Warhammer 40k army?

I want to get into the Warhammer 40k Tabletop game, i know what race i want to be from the start (Orks) but i don't know how to start. Please can someone advise me on what i should do?How should i start a Warhammer 40k army?
I would suggest cruising various online forums related to 40K (such as 40K Online, Dakka Dakka, Warseer, The Waagh, Eternity Gate, etc.) for a while to get a general feel for things, look at modeling and painting tips, read battle reports and so on. Some of those sites might also have guides for starting 40K in general and Orks in particular (like The Waagh).

When you're ready to buy things, your first two things should be your army's Codex (Codex: Orks) and the basic rules. For the basic rules you have two options - a big rulebook with extra background and pretty pictures in it, or the Assault on Black Reach starter set, often called AoBR online. AoBR has a streamlined rulebook - everything you need to play, but doesn't have the extra pretty pictures or background info - as well as some dice and some miniatures. You're in luck as half the miniatures in the set are Orks! The other half are Space Marines, but you could sell/trade the marines to someone else for more Orks. I would suggest the AoBR set - you can get pretty pictures and background online for free.

Read the rulebook and your army book, then go back through the online forums with a higher level of understanding, and get ahold of a local group and try to watch some games, ask questions and so on. See if you can get a few practice games in with your AoBR figures. Don't worry about winning, just try to get a handle on the rules, what works and what doesn't.

Now, once you have a better understanding of the game, use your codex to make up an army list you want, and then, and ONLY then, start to buy the figures you need for it. Save yourself a LOT of money by not buying figures you'll never use!

40K is a fun game, and Orks are a fun army. Good luck and hope you enjoy it!
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How should i start a Warhammer 40k army?
Black Reach is ok but I would also consider buying an Ork Battle Force it gives you a good start. You do need the codex and little other stuff (youll get dice/templet/and rulebook in black Reach).

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Black Reach is ok but I would also consider buying an Ork Battle Force it gives you a good start. You do need the codex and little other stuff (youll get dice/templet/and rulebook in black Reach).

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How should i start a Warhammer 40k army?

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Whats the point in getting black reach because it comes with spacemarines. youre better spending an extra tener and getting the orks battleforce

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Great Idea getting inot it



And since your gonna do orks...


then combine the orks to make a large army!

Buy only the bare necesity of paints and two brushes

OH and some superglue

then go go go!
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