Friday, March 9, 2012

I want to start collecting warhammer any advice on what best way to start and what army?

warhammer or the lord of the rings answers would be fab, also some answers on the best way to paint them to get best effectI want to start collecting warhammer any advice on what best way to start and what army?
The best way to start is the boxed sets. The warhammer boxsets come with two armies and if dwarfs or orc and goblins appeal to you have the core of an army right away. add a battalion boxed set and you should be fairly close to 2,000 points once you add a spellcaster, general, and Battle standard bearer and some special and rare unitsI want to start collecting warhammer any advice on what best way to start and what army?
Well, in all cases, the most important thing to decide straight away is which army or race you want to collect. It's a hard choice, isn't it? But you have to find the one that captures your attention most intensely, otherwise the trial of buying and painting all of those little soldiers will drive you quite barmy (that'll happen in any case, but if you love your army then at least you'll be happy and barmy, rather than just barmy).

Once you've decided on your favourite army, and before you buy any models at all, buy the Army book (and you may want to buy two or three Army books before making your definite choice - don't worry, because they'll come in handy for knowing your enemies!). Once you've read it, go and get some advice at your local store or club from veterans who will give you some vital snippets to help you focus your plan. Alternatively, there are loads of online forums - but they have the drawback that it's not always easy to tell who the veterans are!

With the basic knowledge foundation, you can then move forward to actually buying and painting the models. But try not to be like a kid in a sweetshop. You should know what your army's going to look like now, so you'll be able to write an Army list. But don't just write one. Write three. One of 500 points, one of 1000 points and one of 1500 points. Each smaller list should contain units and characters from the larger lists. That way you can build up you army in logical steps: 500 points at a time. This makes it easier to learn your way into the different aspects of the army as you go along. It also lets you tailor your second and third tranches or buying based on your experience with the first and so on.

As for painting, there's no end of help out there on the Internet and in your local store or club. However, when it comes to Warhammer, the most important thing to say is: make sure your regiments rank up! It's so easy to build models without checking that they can actually stand next to each other in the neat regimental blocks that the game requires.

After that, I'd say: put sand or flock on the bases before you undercoat them. Always use a spray undercoat (faster, easier and a much better finish). And, if you're new to painting toy soldiers, always use a black undercoat rather than a white one.

And don't wait to finish your painting before hitting the tabletop!I want to start collecting warhammer any advice on what best way to start and what army?
The two main differences between Lord of the Rings and Warhammer is that Lotr is more based on movie/book events and as such is more scenario based. Warhammer is made up by the creators so there is much more wiggle room for changes.

I collect LOTR and have found that there are so many different races available that they are very effective. I recommend the new dwarf models that were just released as the dwarves are tough as nails and now that the plastic models are out, they are much cheaper too.

As far as painting, if you are doing LOTR, then just get the supplement that goes with your models and painting guides are in them.

Good luck
Go humans all the way!! Apart from that check out a warhammer site you will learn all you want to know there.

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