Friday, March 2, 2012

How do each of the armies of Warhammer 40k play?

Ok me and my friend are looking to start playing Warhammer 40k. But we have specific ways that we like to play. Would someone please tell me how each army plays?How do each of the armies of Warhammer 40k play?
OK! I'm glad someone's interested in Warhammer 40k! Unfortunately, each army cannot be covered in depth as there are way too many ways to play it! However, I'll list the basics of what each army excels at =)

The 'Level of Difficulty' is to tell you about how hard it is to play that army.

The Imperium

Space Marines - Awesome all-around troops. Is the most adaptable to any situations since their troops are one of the toughest in the game. Likewise, each squad costs a hefty amount of points.

Level of Difficulty: Beginner-friendly.

Sisters of Battle - Basically a weaker version of Space Marines. They excel using fire-based weaponry and so, most of the time you will have to enter your enemies' firing range in order to use it at its full potential.

Level of Difficulty: Medium-Hard.

Imperial Guard - Each standard guardsmen is weak...however, they make up for it in numbers! A standard squad will cost next to nothing compared to the more expensive armies (i.e. Space Marines) and you will most definately outnumber the opposing forces by at least 2x (unless fighting the orks, then it's about the same). However, they field the most powerful and diverse range of tanks in the game.

Level of Difficulty: Medium

Grey Knights - Extremely tough and powerful troops! However, each individual warrior will cost a hefty sum. Excels against daemons, but you will feel each warrior loss as if you've lost a squad (more expensive than even Space Marines!)

Level of Difficulty: Hard


Chaos Space Marines - Basically like your standard Space Marine gone bad. They're tough all-around troops. Where they shine is when the daemons come into play and you choose which chaos god to follow (which makes each army more specialized and interesting).

Level of Difficulty: Easy-Medium.

Daemons - The name is self-explanatory. Control an army of daemons. However, each daemon is only good for a particular watch out what you choose to attack!

Level of Difficulty: Medium

Dark Eldar - Extremely fast-attack! Excels in hit-and-run tactics and close combat as most of their troops move rediculously fast. They are, however, flimsy; so hence, the 'run' portion.

Level of Difficulty: Hard


Eldar - Same as Dark Eldar except not as fast, not as good in hand-to-hand, and not as flimsy, but shoots more. Still faster than most and are good all-around troops. Their tanks are among the best in the game. Uses teleport to get around the map quickly.

Level of Difficulty: Medium-Hard

Orks - A green tide. You will field massive amounts of orks per game because of their cheap cost. However, their accuracy with ranged weapons are horrendous...but with 3x the amount of guns than your enemy, who needs to aim? Extremely good at hand-to-hand combat though.

Level of Difficulty: Beginner-Medium

Necrons - The undead 'machine-like' aliens. Each standard warrior has a 'gauss' weapon that can destroy even tanks (no need for specialized tank-busting infrantry)! Half the time, your warriors will come back to life even when previously destroyed (We'll Be Back rule). Good at everything.

Level of Difficulty: Beginner-friendly

Tyranids - The hive-aliens. Tyranids are fast and have numbers (weakest tyranid), but they need these to close the gap in order to attack the enemy. Yes, they don't have ranged weaponry (though some may be equipped with it). Vicious close-combattees.

Level of Difficulty: Medium-hard

Tau - The 'Gundam' army, also the 'shootiest'. Their warrior's guns cover the longest range of all the Warhammer 40k armies. However, they suck at close combat. Can field the Kroots (an army tied with Tau) to protect them at close combat though.

Level of Difficulty: Medium

Hope I helped! ^^

If you have any more questions or want to know more, feel free to e-mail me!How do each of the armies of Warhammer 40k play?
Why'd you group Dark Eldar with Chaos? Dark Eldar aren't followers of any Chaos god, especially not Slaanesh. Albeit, they may have made Slaanesh, that doesn't mean they enjoy the constant soul-sucking that the Chaos God is doing to them...

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How do each of the armies of Warhammer 40k play?
My bad, I didn't feel like grouping the two 'Eldar' groups together under Xenos.

Thanks for pointing it out though!

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also like to point out there are vairent space marine lists. the blood angels take a more assault theme, the Dark Angels who can swarm with terminators or bikes. Black templers (i never got them realy) and the Space Wolves who are compleatly different is style

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